TPU film giant 3rd case -production line side warehouse
Status before import:
1. The original storage solution of semi-finished shoe materials is iron rack
2. Shoe materials vary in types and sizes, workers found it hard to identify
3. Valuable materials are not easy to manage in open spaces
4. The traditional rack covers a large area, resulting in low plant utilization
5.Can not grasp the actual quantity, causing inconsistency in accounting
Status after import:
1. After the evaluation, it was decided to use a large 5-meter storage, which can centrally manage semi-finished shoes
2. By using the storage location indicator function to manage seperately, workers can quickly locate the material without manual identification
3. Use storage authorization to manage valuable materials. One will need access right to access materials
4. After introducing the solution, the material can be stored upwards, making full use of the vertical space, which greatly reduces the floor occupation
5.Material storage information updated instantly. Reduce discrepancies in accounting